Associates and Accreditations

The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association (ISSA)
When you join ISSA, the world’s most recognized cleaning association, you become a member of a global community of more than 5,500 distributor, manufacturer, building service contractor, in-house service provider, and manufacturer representative companies.
ISSA’s more than 80 years of experience can mean success for your future.
Website: | Certificate

National Cleaners Contract Association (NCCA)
The NCCA was constituted as a National Association in 1987 and is dedicated to developing and setting appropriate standards for the contract cleaning industry.
Its mission is to provide leadership to the industry by striving to create a professional environment through facilitating and co-ordinating industry activities, by providing quality services, maintaining a national platform and influencing the environment to achieve the desired benefits for its members and the community as a whole.
Website: | Certificate

Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF)
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries strives towards a united and prosperous agricultural sector, with the aim of supporting sustainable agricultural development.
The departmental values are underpinned by the ethos of “Vuk’uzenzele”. The direct interpretation of self-reliance is built upon to capture the spirit of South Africans as people who want to help build a better life for all.
Website: | Certificate

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
HACCP is an international principle defining the requirements for effective control of food safety.
The HACCP system helps organizations focus on the hazards that affect food safety/hygiene and systematically identifies them by setting up critical control limits at critical points during the food production process. HACCP is built around seven principles.

Proudly South African
Crystal Mount is a Proudly South African owned and operated business with branches in Gauteng (Benoni) and Cape Town…